A Documentary Podcast About Overlooked Movie History

Elaine's Mayhem | The Industry

Elaine May will always be best known for her comedy with Mike Nichols and her screenwriting skills. However, as a director May is an uncompromising force who seemingly do whatever it takes to get her vision on the screen. This episodes looks at the great lengths May went to in order to get Mikey and Nicky, a lifelong passion project made, and what that lack of compromise cost her.

Author Patrick Cooper, director of photography/cameraman Jack Cooperman, and an unnamed crewmember help tell this story of a seemingly simple production that was anything but.


Check out Patrick Cooper's book Aren't You Gonna Die Someday? (https://www.amazon.com/Arent-Gonna-Someday-Elaine-Mikey-ebook/dp/B08XHRYTKP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2K6592WDR11EB&keywords=aren%27t+you+gonna+die+someday&qid=1701140239&sprefix=arent+you+gonna+die+someday%2Caps%2C237&sr=8-1)

Courtney Kocak's podcasts are Podcast Bestie (https://www.podcastbestie.com/) and The Bleeders (https://pod.link/1628014529)


Before the Snyder Cut: Look back at other Hollywood director's cuts (ew.com) (https://ew.com/movies/stories-behind-5-directors-cuts/#:~:text=May%20used%20over%201.4%20million%20feet%20of%20film,the%20Wind%20used%20about%20475%2C000%20feet%20of%20film.)

Cock, Jay. Cinema: Hit Men. Time Magazine. January 31st, 1977.

https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,918649,00.html (https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,918649,00.html)

MIKEY AND NICKY - HOLLOW SQUARE PRESS (https://www.hollowsquarepress.com/blog/mikey-and-nicky)

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy (https://acast.com/privacy) for more information.

Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/18096195?utm_source=youtube

(video made with https://www.headliner.app)